November 5, 2024 - Measure J

Lynda Roberts, Registrar of Voters, Elections


To repair roads/infrastructure; fix potholes; repave streets; repair retaining walls/bridges; address flooding of roads/buildings; improve bike/pedestrian circulation, safe routes to schools, disabled access; and qualify for federal matching funds/grants, shall the Town of Fairfax’s measure authorizing $18,000,000 of bonds for up to 30 years for each series, at legal interest rates, levying approximately $30/$100,000 of assessed value, raising on average approximately $1,200,000 annually, requiring audits/citizen oversight, be adopted?

BONDS—YES                             BONDS—NO

Votes required to pass: 2/3 voter approval unless Prop 5 passes in November 2024, in which case 55% voter approval will be required
Bonds to finance improvements to municipal infrastructure