Background, Approach, Process, and Timeline

Community Development Agency


On June 6, 2022, the Marin Civil Grand Jury reported the need for a plan that transitions buildings to all-electric. In response, the County of Marin and the Marin Climate and Energy Partnership (MCEP) are working together to make an equitable building electrification plan, aka a “roadmap."



To crowdsource the community to help develop an equitable and implementable whole building electrification roadmap that all twelve Marin jurisdictions can consider adopting as a whole or in-part.



First, we will build a baseline understanding of, solicit, and simultaneously involve the local building and trades, advocacy, utility, and government staff community to help shape key components. Then, we will recommend time-bound actions that all twelve Marin jurisdictions can take to transition to all-electric buildings. Finally, actions will track with each jurisdiction’s existing climate, equity, and adaptation commitments.


Community Engagement

Central to our process is collaboration and community input. We formed a steering committee from members of Marin Climate and Energy Partnership (MCEP).

A series of workshops will be held to get feedback from the community on how to electrify buildings countywide. The results of the three-part workshop series are available to view online.

Resources for learning about policy and program development and implementation will be made available.


A Process Built on Collaboration, Best Practice, and Precedent

In 2022, people from the building and trades, advocacy, utility, and government sector convened to develop model reach code building and EV infrastructure requirements countywide. They met three times to discuss how to create building and EV infrastructure requirements for the whole county.

For this workshop series, we invited the same people to keep the conversation going while inviting more people from the broader community to expand input. The group will use an equitable plan and process developed by Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) and Emerald City. We will also look at plans from other local and state governments. The community will decide what actions the cities and towns in Marin should take to move to an all-electric future.



County of Marin's 2023-2024 roadmap to electrification