Eagle Rim Trail

Trail adoption and decommission in Mount Burdell Preserve.


California Environmental Quality Act

The MCOSD has prepared a report that evaluates the environmental effects of the proposed project. This document, known as a “Mitigated Negative Declaration” or “MND” is available for neighbors, concerned citizens, or interested members of the public to review. The report describes the project and its setting and evaluates it for potential impacts on environmental resources, including biology, air and water quality, cultural resources, and other resource areas. In this case, the report describes potentially significant impacts to tribal cultural resources and to water quality and identifies mitigation measures to address the impacts. With these mitigation measures, the project would not result in significant impacts on the environment. The public comment period for the Eagle Rim Trail project closed at 4:30 pm on September 14, 2018.

Contact James Raives at (415) 473-3745 if you have questions about CEQA.