Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to be a coder to participate?
No, Hack4Health is for everyone. Coders, graphic designers, writers, marketers, idea people are all welcome. The projects have a balance of different skill sets.
Does a team have to have a completed app?
No, Hack4Heath emphasizes team collaboration and idea building. It is entirely possible to win a prize based on the merits and the development of your idea and the completing a thought through solution.
What if I don't have a group?
Not a problem. Some people may come as a group, but staff will assist in forming groups. No one will be left out.
Can I participate without a signed consent form?
Only if you are 18 years or older. All participants under 18 must have a signed consent form to participate. The form can be downloaded from the Hackathon site.
Will computers be supplied?
No, we need to have at least one computer (laptop) for every team. Please plan on bringing your own laptop.
What happens if I win?
To be eligible to win one of our cash prizes, you must either be a citizen or have a valid work permit. Prize money will be distributed among the team and members will receive a check. The money will be reported to the IRS.
Can teams win more than one prize?
No. Teams are only eligible for one prize.
What is telling a story with data?
It's writing a publicly compelling narrative using data. Here are some examples:
LiveStories is a tool that will be available for your use at the hackathon to build a storytelling site. A subject matter expert to guide you through it will be onsite.
Do I have to use the LiveStories platform to win the $500 prize for the best storytelling?
LiveStories is a tool for you to use, but not required to win the prize. The story will be judged by the same criteria as the other prizes. The depth of content and data exposed are what really matter. If you intend to use the platform, a training guide exists.
What if I have questions prior to the hackathon event?
You may contact us by email.
What is Open Data?
It's raw data that can be freely used, shared and built-on by anyone, anywhere, for any purpose e.g. using API's; or used as part of storytelling. We will have subject matter experts to help you with this. Check out Marin's open data site.
Does the $2000 prize for Best Solution Supporting a Healthier Community have to be an app?
No. It can be an app or a fully formed solution for a Healthier Marin community.