Frey Design Review (P4268) - County of Marin

Community Development Agency


Main Component of the Project

New Single Family Residence


5760 Lucas Valley Road, Nicasio
Assessor's Parcel: 121-210-59


Merits Review

Project Planner

Megan Alton


Grygoriy Ladigin

Project Description

The applicant requests Design Review approval to construct a new 5,449 square foot residence on a vacant lot in Nicasio. The applicant also requests Tentative Map Waiver approval to move the Building Envelope approved by the Las Cumbres Master Plan. The development would result in a building area of 5,445 square feet and a floor area of 4,906 square feet. Therefore, the project would result in a floor area ratio of 0.01 percent of the 24-acre lot. The proposed building would reach a maximum height of 26 feet 3 inches above surrounding grade and would be setback more than 100 feet to all property lines. Various site improvements would also be entailed in the proposed development, including a pool, septic system, landscaping and water tanks.

Design Review approval is required because the project is within a Planned Zoning District. Tentative Map Waiver approved is required to move the Building Envelope.

Zoning:  APZ-10
Countywide Plan Designation:  AG1
Community Plan (if applicable): Nicasio

Most Recent Project Plans

Frey Plans 5.20.24