Seaplane Investment LLC Design Review (P4542) - County of Marin

Community Development Agency


Main Component of the Project

Commercial - Accessory Structure


242 Redwood Highway, Mill Valley 
Assessor's Parcel: 052-247-01


Initial Review

Project Planner

Megan Alton


Mali Richlen

Project Description

The applicant requests Design Review approval to make exterior modifications to an existing commercial structure located on a developed lot in Mill Valley. Proposed modifications include a new 1,200 square foot 2nd story roof deck on the southeastern portion of the structure, with painted black metal railing and architectural modifications to the façade to support the roof deck. A wooden vertical cedar façade wall would be added to the front of the existing structure and the structure height would remain unchanged at 31 feet 5 ¾ inches above surrounding grade. Additional modifications to the structure include new or replacement doors and windows.  Various site improvements would also be entailed in the proposed development, including installation of pavers, decking and ADA improvements. Other site improvements include retaining walls that appear to be under 4 feet in height with landscaped berms for flood protection. Interior modifications are associated with a restaurant and bar.

Design Review approval is required pursuant to Marin County Code section 22.42.020.B because the project entails physical improvements to a commercial structure.

Zoning:  BFC-RCR
Countywide Plan Designation: RC
Community Plan (if applicable):  Tamalpais Community Plan

Most Recent Project Plans

Seaplane Investment LLC Plans