Amalfi West Coastal Development Permit and Variance (P4489) - County of Marin

Community Development Agency


Main Component of the Project

Lot Modification


105 Terrace Avenue, Bolinas
Assessor's Parcel: 193-172-18


Initial Review

Project Planner

Megan Alton


Breeze Kinsey

Project Description

The applicant requests Coastal Development Permit and Variance approval to relocate the existing house onto a new foundation, which is 7 feet 6 inches from the front property line at 105 Terrance in Bolinas. The existing house was moved off its original foundation in December when the bluff started to erode under the existing structure. The house current sits on stilts awaiting all necessary permits. The size of the structure would remain unchanged at 2,104 square feet of building area and floor area. Once relocated the structure appears to reach a height of 19.96 feet above surrounding grade and the exterior walls would have the following setbacks: 7 feet 6 inches from the northeastern front property line; 25 feet 8 inches from the southeastern side property line; 67 feet 10 inches from the northwestern side property line; more than 100 feet from the southwestern rear property line.

Coastal Development Permit approval is required pursuant to section 20.68.060. Variance approved is required because the house on the new foundation would be within the front setback.

Zoning: C-RA-B2
Countywide Plan Designation: C-SF5
Community Plan: Bolinas

Most Recent Project Plans

Amalfi West Plans