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Done/doing update (March 16, 2023)

This is a recap of what we’ve done from March 2 - 16 and what we’re working on next.


  • Built new web pages for the County Administrator’s Office and Information Services and Technology to launch at end of month.
  • Confirmed timeline (April – August) and resources with departments in Cohort B. Cohort B participants include Probation, Parks, County Counsel and Civil Grand Jury.
  • Developed and released several website page templates for content author use. Templates include specific format to relay information, events, meetings and actions.
  • Completed website training logistics – reserved training room, laptops and curriculum,


  • Develop and define training plan for content authors to learn how to use the new content management system, Acquia Site Studio.
  • Continue development and integration of applications that pull in information from other data sources (e.g., Contacts).
  • Board of Supervisors, Cultural Services and Community Development Agency continue to analyze and review existing content and documents to prepare for transition to new site.
  • Developers continue building back-end architecture and single sign-on functionality to create a smooth and simple content publishing experience.
  • Develop a process for evaluating feedback on beta site.
  • Research accessibility testing vendors to assist with website usability testing in May.

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