Community Land Trust Association of West Marin Coastal Development Permit (P4553) - County of Marin

Community Development Agency


Main Component of the Project

Residential Addition/Accessory Structure


60 Third St., Point Reyes Station
Assessor's Parcel: 119-226-13



Project Planner

Joshua Bertain


Tom McCafferty, Community Land Trust Association of West Marin

Project Description

The applicant requests Coastal Development Permit approval to install a new onsite wastewater treatment system on a property developed with an existing residence located in the unincorporated community of Point Reyes Station. The proposed onsite wastewater treatment system would include a 1,200 septic tank, a 1,200-gallon recirculation filter, an 810-gallon sump tank, and a new leach dispersal field that would have the following setbacks: 55 feet from the northern front property line, five feet from the eastern side property line, five feet from the western side property line, and five feet from the southern rear property line.  Various site improvements would also be entailed in the proposed development, including the demolition of an existing enclosed porch, a 216-square-foot addition, new entry landings, and hardscape improvements. 

Coastal Development Permit approval is required pursuant to Section 20.68.060.G of the Coastal Zoning Code because the project proposes a new septic system.

Zoning: C-VCR-B2 (Coastal, Village Commercial/Residential - Coastal B2 Combining District)
Countywide Plan Designation: C-NC (Coastal, Neighborhood Commercial/Mixed Use)
Community Plan: Not applicable