Marshall Goldin Family Holdings LLC Design Review (P4499) - County of Marin

Community Development Agency


Main Component of the Project

Residential Addition/Accessory Structure


1754 Indian Valley Rd., Novato
Assessor's Parcel: 146-301-27


Merits Review

Project Planner

Joshua Bertain


Stewart Summers

Project Description

The applicant requests retroactive Design Review approval to legalize 5,544 square feet of new floor area established within a portion of an existing 10,376-square-foot pole barn on a developed property located in an unincorporated area of Novato.

The 5,544 square feet of proposed development would appear to result in a floor area of 10,173 square feet and a floor area ratio of six percent on the 4.17-acre (181,645 square feet) lot. The height of the existing pole barn would remain unchanged at 28 feet, 3 inches above the surrounding grade, and the existing pole barn would maintain the following setbacks: 88 feet, 5 inches from the western front property line; 158 feet from the northern side property line; 35 feet, 4 inches from the southern side property line; and 427 feet, 4 inches from the eastern rear property line.

Design Review approval is required pursuant to Section 22.42.020.B of the Marin County Development Code because the project would be located on a lot that would contain more than 3,500 square feet of floor area with the proposed development.

Land Use Info

Zoning:  A2-B4 (Agriculture Limited)
Countywide Plan Designation:  SF3 (Rural Residential)
Community Plan (if applicable): Indian Valley