Main Component of the Project
Institutional/Educational/Public Facility
675 Sir Francis Drake Boulevard, Kentfield
Assessor's Parcel: 022-010-35
Under Appeal
Project Planner
Easton Ehlers
Sean Kennings, LAK Associates
Project Description
The applicants request Design Review approval to install a new lighting system at an athletic field (Don Ghilotti Motta Athletic Stadium) and associated wayfinding lighting on a site developed with an educational institution (Marin Catholic) in the unincorporated community of Kentfield.
The proposed field lighting system includes four galvanized steel standards (poles), equipped with different fixture arrays, mounted on pre-cast concrete bases of approximately 16 square feet each. The poles would reach a maximum height of 80 feet above grade and be symmetrically positioned in a rectangular formation surrounding the athletic field. The field lighting system would maintain the following setbacks: 399 feet, six inches from the northern front property line; 101 feet, six inches from the eastern side property line; 641 feet, seven inches from the western side property line; and five feet, one inch from the southern rear property line.
The proposed wayfinding lighting includes 16 die-cast aluminum poles, each equipped with a single arm supporting the lighting fixture. The poles would reach a maximum height of 16 feet above grade and would illuminate the pedestrian paths near the athletic field. The proposed wayfinding lighting would maintain the following setbacks: 413 feet from the northern front property line; 3 feet from the eastern side property line; 492 feet from the western side property line; and 3 feet from the southern rear property line.
Design Review approval is required pursuant to Condition 1 of the Deputy Zoning Administrator Grant of Use Permit issued on December 8, 1975, because the project entails additions to school facilities.
Zoning: R1-B2 (Residential, Single-Family District with the “-B2” Minimum Lot Size Combining District)
Countywide Plan Designation: PF-SF5 (Low Density Residential Public Facility)
Community Plan (if applicable): Kentfield/Greenbrae Community Plan