Shallow Beach Coastal Permit (P4469) - County of Marin

Community Development Agency


Main Component of the Project

Site Improvements


Vacant parcel off Pierce Pt. Rd., Inverness
Assessor's Parcel 109-410-11


Merits Review

Project Planner

Erin Yattaw


Timothy Schram

Project Description

The applicant requests Coastal Development Permit approval to construct three new 10,500-gallon water tanks, to demolish an existing water tank, and to remove one 36-inch heritage Oak tree on a vacant lot in Inverness.

Coastal Development Permit approval is required pursuant to Marin County Local Coastal Program, Implementation Plan Section 20.68.030 because the project entails new development in the Coastal Zone as defined in Article VIII, Chapter 20.130.D, Development.

Zoning:  C-ARP-2 (Coastal Agriculture Residential Planned)
Countywide Plan Designation: C-AG3 (Agriculture Coastal Zone)
Community Plan: N/A

Most Recent Project Plans

Shallow Beach Project Plans 5.30.24

Administrative Decisions

View the Administrative Decision - Default comments for Administrative Decisions