Bolinas Community Land Trust Coastal Development Permit (P4375) - County of Marin

Community Development Agency


Main Component of the Project

Site Improvements


31 Wharf Road, Bolinas
Assessor's Parcel: 193-061-03


Merits Review

Project Planner

Megan Alton


Jennifer Blackman

Project Description

The Bolinas Community Public Utility District is requesting Coastal Development Permit approval to connect  a new groundwater well to the Bolinas Community Public Utility District water distribution system as an emergency water supply source during drought years. The connection would entail 270 feet of pipeline to be installed from the existing well head and treatment unit to the water main in Wharf Road. The project would also include a new 4,600-gallon water storage tank and a new 80 square foot utility shed (housing a chlorination unit) within a chain-link fence.

Coastal Development Permit approval is required pursuant to Local Coastal Program Implementation Program section 20.68.060.b and c.

Zoning: C-VCR
Countywide Plan Designation: C-NC
Community Plan: Bolinas

Public Hearings

Deputy Zoning Administration Public Hearing06/27/24
10:00 AM