
Shelly Scott, Assessor - Recorder - County Clerk

Assessor’s Office / Open to the Public – Appointments Are Encouraged

  • For questions or information about real property assessments – Call (415) 473-7215 or contact us by email.
  • For questions or information about Business Property or Personal Property assessments, call (415) 473-7208 or contact the Assessor by email.
  • If you’d prefer to schedule an in-person appointment to minimize your wait time, please visit our electronic calendar to schedule your appointment electronic calendar.

    The Assessor is responsible for the preparation of the local secured and unsecured Assessment Roll. The official list of all assessable property in the county which constitute the major portion of the ad valorem tax base for local government. The responsibilities included in preparing these rolls are:

    1. Discover and inventory all tangible property within the county.
    2. Determine the taxability of all tangible property within the county.
    3. Value all taxable property as specified under Article XIIIA of the California Constitution (Proposition 13).

    Important Notice: The Marin County Assessor’s Office staff is forbidden by California legal codes to practice law or provide legal advice; this prohibition includes giving advice about what forms you might need or how you should fill them out.

    News and Announcements

    Posted: March 01, 2019
    Source: Assessor

    Posted: November 17, 2017
    Source: Assessor

    Posted: November 01, 2016
    Source: Assessor

    This form is only accepted from July 1 through October 31, 2019, inclusive.

    Frequently Visited
    Image of house
    Prop 19

    Changes to Parent-Child and Grandparent-Child Exclusions Effective February 16, 2021; Base Year Value Transfers Effective April 1, 2021.

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