Resources and Organizations

Joe Deviney, Agriculture, Weights and Measures - Marin County
There are many excellent sources of pesticide information on the Web. Below are just some of the organizations nationwide that are working to protect human health and the environment from hazards derived from pesticides. These resources and organizations can help you learn about pest management and reducing pesticide use. Click on the blue links below to go to each organization's website.

This list of resources is organized under the following categories:
Alternatives to Pesticides; Government; Pesticides, Health and the Environment; Pesticide Information; and Pesticide Reform Organizations.

Alternatives to Pesticides

Bio-Integral Resources Center
BIRC's staff are nationally recognized experts on alternatives to pesticides. BIRC offers extensive information about least-toxic solutions for home, garden, schools, parks and public spaces. BIRC publishes The IPM Practitioner and Common Sense Pest Control Quarterly.

National Pediculosis Association
This is the web site of the National Pediculosis Association which seeks to protect children from misuse and abuse of potentially harmful lice and scabies treatments. They produce various publications as well as the LiceMeister web site.

Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides
Oregon-based organization that publishes the Journal of Pesticide Reform and a series of pesticide fact sheets.

United States Environmental Protection Agency - IPM School Manual

Here you can read IPM for Schools: a How-to Manual. This 200 page handbook was originally written for the EPA by the Bio-Integral Resource Center (BIRC) and contains information about starting an IPM program and managing more than 15 different pests common in schools. This manual is being updated and revised to fit the needs of California schools.

US EPA IPM School Manual


Department of Pesticide Regulation
The web site of the California Department of Pesticide Regulation provides information on school IPM, the Healthy Schools Act, pesticides, and pesticide registration.

California Environmental Protection Agency
Contains information regarding environmental interests and concerns as well as Cal/EPA boards, departments, and offices.

State of California
Go to Environment and Natural Resources, then Safeguarding California's Environment for information about pesticides.

Pesticides, Health and the Environment

Children's Environmental Health Network
Organization that has a wide variety of information about the health effects of toxic chemicals on children as well as information on other organizations and agencies that deal with this subject.

Healthy Schools Campaign
A clearinghouse of information and tools for dealing with toxic pesticides in schools 

National Resources Defense Council: Toxic Chemicals and Health
Information about the health threats posed by toxic chemicals.

Pesticide Information

California Department of Pesticide Regulation
The web site of the California Department of Pesticide Regulation provides information on school IPM, the Healthy Schools Act, pesticides, and pesticide registration.

A joint effort of UC Davis and Oregon State University that provides excellent pesticide profiles and other information about toxics.

NCAP Pesticides Factsheets
PDF versions of Journal of Pesticide Reform and extensive profiles of many commonly-used pesticides.

United States Geological Survey
Pesticide National Synthesis Program tracks and reports on pesticides in water resources.

Pesticide Reform Organizations

Beyond Pesticides/National Coalition Against the Misuse of Pesticides
Beyond Pesticides/National Coalition Against the Misuse of Pesticides (NCAMP) is a national network of membership organizations committed to pesticide safety and adoption of IPM strategies that reduce or eliminate chemical use

Californians for Alternatives to Toxics
Provides information to help in preventing harm caused by the unwise use of toxic chemicals in the environment, particularly pesticides. Focus is on problems that occur in Northern California.

Californians for Pesticide Reform
Broad-based coalition of public interest groups dedicated to eliminating hazardous pesticide use in California.

CALPIRG Toxics Program
This public interest group's toxic program mission is to stop the dumping of toxic chemicals into our air, water and on our land, reduce the use of toxic chemicals, and guarantee citizens the right-to-know about toxic chemical use and exposure.

Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides
Oregon-based organization that publishes the Journal of Pesticide Reform and a series of pesticide fact sheets.

Pesticide Action Network
International pesticide reform organization. Subscribe to their weekly online news service, PANUPS for pesticide-related news.